As the school year is upon us, I once again find myself reflecting on not only a change of seasons but fresh starts. For many, January 1st appeals to the idea of new beginnings, but fall is a great time to make plans.
Whether you prefer the close of the year and the start of a new one, refocusing on goals gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate what is working and what is not. After all, why put your energy and time into something that just is not producing positive, healthy or healing results?
The process of reflection does not have to be a painful, negative process. If one looks at it as a new beginning, then it becomes an uplifting experience. So reflect on what is working and how you can maintain or improve upon these life skills. It’s always personally satisfying to be able to check things off even if it is just to say, “I am still keeping up”!
Once you have looked at these, now let’s address items that you would like to learn, change, adapt, etc. Write them down and figure out what is a realistic timeline needed to accomplish them. A week, a month, the entire year? Then break these details down into smaller steps that fit into either a day, a week or a month. Create some kind of form that works to list all of the maintenance and all of the new goals where you can see the big picture. You could highlight when you’ve reached a goal or maintained a plan of action! After all, isn’t it worth getting an A+ for living life full, rich and rewarding? Happy planning!
Photo: Alex Geerts on Unsplash